Monday, June 9, 2008


This beautiful fabric and equally lovely blessing are from Rebecca at Our Little Owen (password protected). She and I became fast friends when she did our amazing blog redesign in January (I am still crazy about it!). I am so grateful for our friendship, she has taught me so much by her example of following His plan, instead of our own :)


This beautiful bamboo fabric (and appropriately coordinated and extremely eloquent blessing) are from Auntie Kris at Tell Her This. Kris and I have been friends since we were DTC together in February 2005. She is SO close to receiving her referral from the waiting child program, I feel like an anxious auntie for the fast-approaching big day! I can't wait!!
Thank you so much for your love and support over the years, Kris... we love you :)


Holly and her beautiful family sent me this fabric and lovely wish for Shepherd's quilt. Her littlest, Mia, had clubfoot just like Jude and Shepherd and she was treated by Dr. Ponseti also! Thanks so much, Holly... we are very grateful for your participation and your support :)


This cool fabric and lovely blessing are from Holly at Purpose Driven Family. She and I have been email buddies since we were both waiting for our boys last year and now they are paperchasing for a sibling group in Ethiopia. Thanks Holly!! :)


Here is some darling fabric from Tamra and her family. She and I did a fabric exchange as she is almost DTC for a little one from China. Thanks so much Tamra! And may that 171 arrive SOON! ;)


This fabric is from another one of my good high school buds, Christian! Wow, thanks a bunch for sending some fabric, it was so great to hear from you :)

#41, #42, #43, #44 and #45

These five fabrics are from my sister, Melissa, and her family. Each was chosen to represent a facet of her family :) Thanks guys! You owe Shepherd some wishes still, though... don't forget ;)

My helpers

Every time these guys see me pull out the camera and NOT take pictures of them, they run in, begging for me to take pictures of them! How could I resist these faces?!?

#39 and #40

These two gorgeous fabrics are from my longtime best buddy, Connie. She and I met in the 7th grade, so we've been friends for over 27 years... gosh, that makes me feel old! Connie has always been there for me, she is a wonderful friend :) Love ya, girl!!


Here is some fabric and a blessing for Shepherd from Gayle and her family. They are waiting for another little one from China, Aimee, and Gayle and I exchanged fabrics :) Thanks so much, Gayle!


This fabric is from Nicole, a new friend who is just beginning her adoption journey :) I love the fabric and wish, they are both adorable! Thanks so much for participating!


Talk about a blast from the past! This fabric is from my close high school friend, Julie! Thanks so much, I am so happy to have you represented in my little guy's quilt :)


This blessing and patriotic fabric square are from Amy, my Georgia buddy. Thanks SO much, Amy, for EVERYTHING... looking forward to finally meeting up someday soon :)